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Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:46:38 -0400
EI - Lydia Russell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I took Trooper to the vet last night for his black tooth.  I lucked out.
The black was really green and he just has plaque.  I got some toothpaste
samples and I am going to try to clean teeth tonight.  but what was so
great, and I never had this in any ferret, I put trooper in the carrier
(Not the one he came in) and then took the leash and collar with me.  when
we got there I took him out of the carrier and just had the leash and
collar on.  He sniffed all around the waiting room.  Some kids were there
and I let them hold him.  We went into the room and the Vet examined him
and then when she was done he came to me leaned up on my chest and acted
like he wanted up.  So I picked him up and rocked and petted him.  The vet
and I talked for a good twenty minutes!!!  he never wanted down, only moved
to like my shoulder to hug my neck.  he just stayed with me the hole time.
I sat down thinking he would want to jump down but no he snuggled closer.
It was so unreal.  I have never had a ferret wanted that much attention.
He was so sweet.  I was kinda worried that he thought when he went for a
ride he was going to a new house.  Thats why I used our carrier.  But to
have Trooper act like he wanted me is so wonderful, and yet I felt bad that
I couldn't tell him I wasnt leaving him.  Poor guy I wonder how many homes
he has had lately.  I hope he knows he is home now.
Lydia and the crew
Snickers the baby
Casper the fighter
Bubba the momma's boy
Smokey the king of the hill
Trooper the new kid on the block
Ossi and Isis @rainbow bridge
[Posted in FML issue 2805]