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Mon, 13 Sep 1999 04:50:56 +0000
Susan Malone <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
About ECE, there is a couple about an hour or so from me who desperately
want to adopt one of my ferrets.  They are wonderful people, great fuzzie
parents and would normally qualify in a heartbeat.  The problem is,
apparently a while back they bought a pet store kit who had ECE, who
contaminated their household of 4 other ferrets.  They spent a great deal
of time, love, effort and money and all 5 did survive and are now very
healthy, which to me says a lot about their devotion.  However, they were
infected about 7 months ago and the last of the ferrets has been healthy
for 4 months.  I have heard the ECE virus can be carried for 6-8 months or
more... so of course the idea of placing a healthy ferret there makes me
nervous.  Can anyone shed any light on how long the ferrets can carry the
virus?  When would be a safe time for them to bring in a new fuzzie?
The idea of "shelter adoption before kit buying"... I do tend to agree
with Zen here.  Yes, I do reccomend strongly an older ferret for first
time owners as a rule and point out the benefits..  however there are
exceptions.  A number of people have had experience with many types of
animals, done their homework and are fully prepared to take home a hyper,
nippy, young kit.
I really don't know about making it a "hard fast rule"... it's probably
better to handle it on an individual basis.
Thanks to Zen for the response to the comments aimed at breeders of the
"large" ferrets.  I agree totally that the concept of allowing an animal
to reach the full size nature intended is hardly a bad thing.  I don't see
any breeders "doing" anything to these ferrets to make them bigger... just
allowing them to reach there full potential and carry on their genes.
Something that does concern me, has anyone else heard of this??  I have
heard two reports now (only one verified) of someone marketing "mini"
ferrets... after this was questioned, it was discovered that the breeder
was having the kits altered the day after they were born to stop all
natural growth!
On the subject of breeders... first off, a public apology to Judith Moon
if I insinuated she is anything less than a reptuable caring breeder.  I
was curious about the comments and was questioning the ideas in general,
certianly NOT aimed at her personally, I apologize if it came across as
I guess the reason the phrasing upset me leads to my next question... I am
frustrated because I know of two "breeders" who live near me... both of
them consider their ferrets "stock", are breeding only to make money, the
ferrets are in small cages and given little, if any play time.
Neither home has any toys or fun things for the ferrets, they are simply
breeding machines.  Low quality foods, no supplements, no extra expenses or
care.  Both of these people have been known to both alter some kits at 4
weeks and sell them to pet stores, and sell them directly to the public
unaltered without informing them of the risks.  I have seen several females
either in rescue or vets offices very sick with Aplastic Anemia.  Both have
sent a lot of deaf or sick ferrets into the community and I know for a fact
one of them is inbreeding.
I have contacted local authorities, but the laws here on ferrets pretty
much read "Food, water and shelter provided".. that's it.  In other
words... they won't do anything about it.
I have tried talking to both parties, printed out info and sent it to them
etc... It's like talking to brick walls.  Not only do I feel disgusted and
heartsick for all those poor ferrets... I end up caring for a lot of these
ferrets when they get dumped!
Is there anything I can do to try to stop this????
[Posted in FML issue 2804]