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Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:03:37 EDT
Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
>The one thing I feel LIFE did at the Michigan show that was really, really
>great is have a separate ring for the judges' ferrets.  I know I'm not the
>only one that feels that judges (obviously) know what to look for in a
>ferret and so have a better chance of winning ribbons.  I know judges'
>ferrets don't always win, but I thought the separate ring was a nice
>thing for us "common" ferret people.
Um..do you mean Ohio?  LIFE hasn't sanctioned a Michigan ferret show in
years, if ever, although that might be changing in the future.
As far as teeth go, there is a big difference between stained and dirty.
Stained does not nessecarily lose points (unless the maintainence on the
whole is poor), however dirty certainly will.
In the LIFE system, we try to offer a judges cup so that judges don't have
to judge their own ferrets.  At some shows this is difficult as there
aren't enough judges.  I would imagine that the other organizations do as
well, it is simple common sense.  At some shows the judges judge rings that
they don't have ferrets in, while thier ferrets are judged with the others
by other judges.  I had two ferrets entered in Alter Championship at the OH
show.  I judged Breedables.  And by the way, my ferrets sucked wind at that
show.  A lot of it has to do with genetics.  It doesn't mean that your
ferret isn't GREAT!
Often it seems that the same people win over and over.  It happens in the
rings I judge, and I honestly don't even know these peoples names
sometimes, just see the faces.  That says to me that they take very good
care of their ferrets.  Often breeders will do well, but think about it.
If you have 50 ferrets at home to choose from, and enter 20 rings, your
chances of winning are higher based on simple numbers.  One of the women
who won first place in OH had never even been to a show before!
Anne Ryan
President of LIFE
[Posted in FML issue 2804]