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Sun, 5 Sep 1999 22:03:26 -0400
KiSta Ferret Rescue <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi FML'ers,
I posted yesterday about our overloaded shelter, and one of our shelter
kids, Maynard, who had congestive heart failure, and his next vet visit.
Unfortunately, Maynard passed away sometime between 11 pm Sunday and 7:30
am Monday morning.  I wanted to thank Carla for her suggestions and support
after hearing of Maynard's passing.  She also had a good suggestion for me
regarding what I did with Maynard's friend, Buddy.
When I found Maynard this morning, he had passed away curled up with his
bonded brother Buddy.  After I cleaned him up (he had loosed his bowels) I
wrapped him up in a towel, I allowed Buddy to see him.  I didn't do this
to be morbid, but rather share with Buddy that his friend was indeed gone.
Buddy did come up and sniff Maynard, and sort of nudge him with his face
(which needless to say, had me in tears) and then went on to his business
about the house.  I think he realized that Maynard wasn't himself lately,
and when I found them this morning, it was obvious to me that Buddy was
upset, and trying to keep Maynard's body warm.  I didn't want him to worry
where Maynard went; that's why I showed him his friends body.  He seems
okay right now (thankfully he has 2 other cagemates that he loves), but im
going to keep a very close eye on him.  I've seen other bonded pairs grieve
so badly that they stop eating, and become very depressed.  I just wanted
to share this with everyone, since it (to me, at least) is an important
thing to do when one of a pair passes on.
Thank you to everyone who wrote to me about the overcrowded shelter.
Thank you's are also in order to Renee, who referred many people to us
after placing her homeless friend.  Also, thanks are also in order to
Lisa, my dear friend and amazing volunteer, for taking Robbie & Tabby into
her home until we have more space and also for donating those cool hippie
bracelets for us to give away with donations for our township's end of
summer festival on Saturday.  And of course to my friends at Virtual
Consignments for the loan of the digital camera to get all new pictures
for my website. :)  I feel so thankful!  LOL!!  Seriously, I am very
grateful to everyone.  You guys are the best.
Please help us help the ferrets by visiting Eyegive at
We receive $2.00 for every new person who signs on, and its totally free
to help us.  Thank you from the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2797]