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Thu, 2 Sep 1999 08:56:08 -0400
Karen Schuttinga <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
To Wicket:
A couple of tips that may help,
1. Make sure the harness isn't too loose.  I have fairly small fingers,
but when I have a harness on either of my kids, I make sure I can only get
1 finger between the harness and them.  This way I know they cannot wiggle
out of their harnesses and dissapear forever.
2. It will take a while for your baby to get use to the harness.  One
trick I learned is to let them into a new place while the harness is on,
then they concentrate more on the new place than the harness being on.  And
they learn that if the harness is on, they get to go on an adventure!!  For
example, before we brought Milo outside on his harness, we brought him to
my parents house and put the harness on, he got to go someplace new, and we
got to test the harness to see if he could escape!  Then there were less
worries when he got to go snorkling through the grass for the first time!
(What a riot that was!!  : ) )
3. Also, if your fur-kid acts like they are now paralyzed once you put the
harness on, Don't Panick!  I flipped out the first time Milo pulled that
trick, and realized after about 20 seconds that he was just trying to get
out of the harness.  (The little devil!)
But it is definately worth it!  My husband and I can now take the kids on a
walk with us.  (Granted weather conditions cooperate) Bandit loves to ride
in the carrier bag or on my shoulder.  And Milo can walk forever on his
leash.  (No carrier bags for him!)
Feel free to e-mail me directly if you have any more questions!
Good luck!!
[Posted in FML issue 2793]