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Wed, 1 Sep 1999 19:53:51 +0000
Jerry Jackowski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
Hi Ada,
>I thought this should have been pretested and should of had a back up
>system in case it didn't work.
The database was sent to four people for evaluation a month before the
show, L.I.F.E received it about two and half weeks before the show.  It
was ok if you entered a different entry numbers and ring numbers nobody
including myself tried the same entry number three times with a different
ring number.  At This show the database was to be used as a backup to the
conventional scoring.  The only thing that was tested the night before the
show was the ability to print the ribbons, and it worked fine, go figure!
This show was to be part of the testing procedure.  That's why the judging
sheets were being past to the data entry people upon their completion.
>I then ask three people how do we find out what our ferrets scored in the
>three rings.  No one knowed and no one seemed to care.  I think if we pay
>money to enter ferrets that we right to know period !!!!
I don't know who you asked but it is very likely that they did not know
what would be done, considering this was totally unexpected.  Since I'm the
coordinator it is my responsibility to make sure these problems are solved.
I find it very hard to believe that no one cared.  Everyone involved with
this show was extremely upset that we had these problems.  They have every
reason to care and none not too, they are ferret owners who show ferrets
and know how they would feel, they are representatives of the organizing
clubs and they have volunteered a great deal of time to make this show a
success.  I certainly hope no one told you that you didn't have a right to
know, because we are doing everything possible to resolve this problem and
give the information you deserve.  I can understand your frustration but
please give us time to resolve the problem.
>No one even told us if we would be mailed our results.  This is sad.
>People spent their time and money and still don't know how their ferret/s
I personally know only of one show that has ever provided anything more,
than the total score on a table ribbon, a trophy or ribbon if your ferret
placed and a certificate if your ferret placed in the one of the top ten
positions in any championship ring.  Everything we were trying to provide
above that was a bonus.  If this would have worked as planned, we would
have been receiving nothing but praise, unfortunately it didn't and now we
are being chastised.  We gave people some taste of what we wanted to
provide and now it is expected.  Yes, everyone who had a ferret in a
Championship ring will receive (at the very least) the ring number and
total score for each of their entry numbers.  It is expected that we will
do this via snail mail and will be accompanied with a letter apologizing
for the inconvenience and delay.  My original plan was to have the list
containing scores and judges comments in numerical order by entry number
and a list of that same information by position, available at our show web
site.  All this information was to be generated from the scoring database
and providing we get approval from LIFE officials.  Currently the official
score sheets are in the hands of LIFE and copies should be forwarded to me
in the next week or two.  Once I have those sheets we will re-enter them
into the scoring database for another test and continue with our original
plan, minus the availability of the labels for the table ribbons.
I hope that I have addressed all of your concerns and that if you or anyone
on this list would like additional information to please contact me through
my email.  I believe I have covered the why, what and how about the show
and will no longer be responding through this forum.
Jerry Jackowski
Show Coordinator
Ferret Extravaganza '99
[Posted in FML issue 2791]