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Wed, 1 Sep 1999 14:28:00 GMT
Heather Muszynski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
First off, Id like to thank all of you who responded the last few days to
all my posts, I tried to thank you individually, but I might of misses few.
Any and all advive was appreciated.  Now I have a sad tale to tell, Im not
looking for sympthory, just support.  After 500.00 and three days in the
hopital, I went in during visiting hrs yesterday.  I had wanted to go at 8
but overslept and got there at around 10 .  I was put in a waiting room and
a half later I was verty imapatient because I still didnt have Rosco.  At
that time hid docter cfame out and informed me that when they brought him
out he collapsed.  They tried to save him and he died.  Because of me being
late I didnt get to see my baby, I just hope he knew how much Iloved him.
I wanted to post this yuesterday, but I couldn't stop crying, my poor
finance had to put up with me.  It was hard to do but I opted for an
autopsy to find out what was wrong withj him, I have no place to bury him
due to the fact I rent, is it possible to get him cremated?  Does that
sound inhuman?  My emails [log in to unmask] if anyone has a comment.
Michelle and her 2 fur-kids
Badnit and Dave
[Posted in FML issue 2791]