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Mon, 30 Aug 1999 20:43:40 EDT
text/plain (39 lines)
Hello everyone,
Sorry to have left a little bit of a hole in the CA ferret legalization
information channel but I really needed to get away and was out of touch
for the last couple of weeks.  Thanks to those of you keeping track of
things, and especially hearing observer, Debby G. of Capitol City Ferret
Club, the correct information did reach many of you.  Thank you Debby.
This is what happened in the Appropriations Committee on August 23rd 1999.
A very negative analysis for AB 854 placed the cost of the bill in excess
of $140,000.00 which would have placed the bill on suspense where it landed
last session.  As most of you recall, it never had a hearing once it went
on suspense.  As unfair as this result is, it was not entirely unexpected,
nevertheless it is disappointing.
To avoid having our bill placed in suspense (where it would surely never be
heard), our author pulled the bill from Committee making it a two year bill
and we will be working with him to see what can be done to see that AB 854,
passed by such a large bipartisan majority in the Assembly and by a very
bipartisan vote in the Senate policy committee, has it's day in the Senate
and comes before the governor.  Californians for Ferret Legalization will
be meeting with the author of our bill, Assemblymember Jim Cunneen, after
the session ends in late September of this year and I will let you know
what direction we take at that time.
I ask all of you to continue your support for ferret legalization.  This is
an example of the worst of government abuse but it will only continue if
you let it.  Anyone who has not written to his or her State Senator and
Governor Davis should still write those letters now.  Each of you can so
easily ask 5 friends or family members to write as well.  Remember that we
will prevail only if you remain committed.  We can change this ridiculous
law if we care enough about ending this absurd ban on the safest pet to the
environment-- (goldfish excepted).
Jeanne Carley
Californians For Ferret Legalization
[Posted in FML issue 2789]