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Thu, 12 Aug 1999 22:15:27 -0700
Darren Gilland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Today our 1 1/2 year old silver mitt, had his canine distemper shot.  About
1/2 hour after this shot he started vomiting, incontinence, rapid breathing
and heart rate, he became very light in colour in his lips and nose.  All
of a sudden he became almost lifeless, his breathing became very shallow,
and his heartrate decreased.  Our vet who is 30 minutes away told us to
take him to a vet nearer to our home.  Upon arrival at this vet, our
ferret was given a medication to speed up his breathing and increase his
temperature.  He was kept there for observation for a few hours when his
stools became bloody, the vet determined that he had a GI bleed.  After a
few more hours of observation, Sherlock was sent home.  He is still really
tired, but eating and drinking.
Upon discussion with two different vets it was agreed upon that the next
canine distemper vacine that sherlock will receive will be GALAXY D, NOT
Has anyone else had problems with the Fervac vacine shots?
Can anyone offer any information on the Galaxy D vacine?
Thank you
Darren Gilland
[Posted in FML issue 2771]