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Thu, 12 Aug 1999 08:21:09 -0600
Vicky James <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
I want to say thank you to April and Deb (wonderful ferret moms) for taking
3 of my ferrets, Athena, Mandy and Podo.  They are in good hands and tho I
miss them very much I am comforted knowing they are getting much love,
attention and care.  I have also found a wonderful loving home for my other
two babies, Ulysses and Spartan, from the Fredonia, Kansas rescue, but we
need help getting them there.  My car is all but useless, the brakes are
almost gone (metal to metal and all that, I use 1/2 bottle of brake fluid a
day and lots of prayers), TLE said she would take and care for them for me
and would be happy to meet someone at the Kansas border.  If anyone can
help me out I would be eternally grateful.  I will be leaving Cedar Rapids,
IA on the 25th of this month, to move back to New Mexico to spend some time
with my mom before she gets critical with her cancer and then will be there
to help my dad (in his 70's) care for her when she does get beyond that
pt. :{  So I need someone to pick them up and transport them before that
time.  Please send your e-mails to TLE or me.  Thank you all for the
wonderful camaraderie I have found here and though I will be ferretless :{
I will continue to read about and enjoy your ferrets' antics.
Vicky  [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2771]