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Sun, 8 Aug 1999 06:09:44 -0400
"Selina, Birch, Dief, Sprite, Storm, Sand & Bear" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Sand is, to put it delicately, chunky.  He doesn't arch much when he walk
(waddles?) or wardance (looks like a Koosh toy gone crazy, he stays in one
place and can only jump sooo high).  He's not the brightest star under the
sky , in fact, he's pretty dim, you probably won't be able to see him in
the sky at all...
Sand, at 3 lbs 10 oz, is also my biggest ferret.  He loves water (drinking
& swimming) and when he pees, he pees.
Sand is not litter trained.
He's not my only ferret whose hit rate is somewhat lower than 100%.  He is
my only ferret that drinks pee, but I can deal with that.
When he pees, there are HUGE puddles on the floor.  You could probably
drown in it.  Cleaning up after him is pretty routine, I don't even sigh
anymore.  But Sand lays more than one kind of trap ..
I'm usually careful about grabbing him after I caught him messing up the
floor.  Why?  All my males are a little wet after they go, I guess they
have a drop of pee caught on their fur or something, it's understandable,
even expected.  Sand, is not a little wet.  He is WET.
Maybe it's because he walks so close to the ground and drags his belly
along (think pee puddles with little rivers extending outwards).  I don't
know.  This afternoon, I caught him going again.  I grabbed him under the
shoulders and got a shock, not only is his underside dripping,  his elbows
and paws are soggy too!
What could I do?  I gave him a BATH.
5 hours later, I caught him lurking near my craftboxes.  I grabbed him.
Booby trapped again!!  This is an unusual place, he may not be a 100%, but
he almost always hit within a 4 feet radius of the box.  Perhaps the shock
of the bath??  Anyways, I rinsed him off with water this time.  He was not
happy.  Maybe this will teach him.  Evil mommy is watching...
So, anybody else with ferrets that routinely drips?  Any solutions?  I'm
also wondering how you tell when a ferret is too fat.  Maybe Sand's not
too fat.  He's not really pear shaped, more like a tube with a large
radius.  Are there any numbers, like Sand is 20 inches long from nose to
butt, with a 5 inch tail, what should his weight be?
Also, anybody else collect litter boxes?  I have hi back, hi back corners,
regular cat pans of varying sizes.  I'm going to acquire a covered litter
cat box soon.  I'm looking for other types of litter boxes to add to my
collection.  I'm serious, really :)
On the subject of deaf ferrets, my Dief (deaf, of course) is the only one
of my ferrets that talks in his sleep regularly.  It's very cute, he makes
these loud squeaks.  Someday I got to put a recorder next to him and tape
his dream noises..
just wanted to share pee stories.  Have a good day!
// ***********************************************
// Selina, Birch, Dief, Sprite, Storm, Sand & Bear
// http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~ssiu
[Posted in FML issue 2767]