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Sat, 7 Aug 1999 11:52:24 EDT
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I am already getting the e-mails that remind me very much of those I have
read before.  There are a number of ferret loving, caring, helpful people
out there who at one time or another wanted to adopt or volunteer at GCFA
but never had a phone call returned.
I understand fully how you might feel about that.  I tried to adopt and
volunteer at GCFA several years ago, and called maybe 4 or 5 times.  No
one ever answered.  I was disgusted and luckily found FAIR.
GCFA--it turns, out had a bad phone system and could not hear a number of
their messages.  In addition, one volunteer taking down messages and other
volunteers returning messages left a great deal of room for error.  No one
gets paid for this volunteer stuff ya know.  I hear stories of shelters
struggling with 25 ferrets.  So just imagine 80 some ferrets and the work
and expense involved.
PLEASE TRY AGAIN.  This is about saving lives guys.  Call 10 times if you
have to.  These ferrets have no control over humans at the shelter.  And
the shelter volunteers are swamped right now.  Maybe it will take 10 calls
to adopt a ferrets at this time.  I do not know.
2.  My understanding is that ferts just brought in are being kept separated
to keep them away from ECE contaminated ferts.  But there is just so much
room.  The unexposed ferts need good homes Immediately to make room in the
area with healthy ferts for more healthy ferts.
Please don't buy new ferts.  The time of killing ferts is here.  It is not
being done Yet by the shelter.  It is being done by people who want to get
rid of their helpless living being.
or call now 1-708-442-8650
No reply??
 Call again.
Save a life today
[Posted in FML issue 2766]