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Fri, 6 Aug 1999 13:10:37 -0700
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I know that several people have flamed this person, and I can understand
It is very difficult to lose an animal, regardless of the circumstances
and I am quite sure that she has learned from this tremendous mistake.  It
sounds like her boyfriend is a huge part of the problem.
Do not get me wrong, I cannot stand hearing this.  I sent a private email
explaining that the nail trimming can be done by a vet, and that this death
could have been prevented very easily.  I also wrote that no ferret should
be left alone for ten hours without being checked on.
We do not know what the reason is for the death and it could be that she
was sick from something totally unrelated (should have been examined by a
vet, if so).  It sounded to me that this person has a very IRRESPONSIBLE
boyfriend and she should have seen to it that the ferret was taken care of.
Life is a learning process and unfortunately, another ferret passed because
of lack of knowledge or responsibility.  Hopefully, this person learned a
hard lesson and will not adopt any more pets or will take better care the
next time.
If this same person had another incident, you can bet that I would track
them down (and God forgive me for what I would do to them) he,he.
We have all made mistakes.  It is those who repeat the mistakes that are a
real problem (Ferrets Anonymous park incident is a prime example).  I,
personally, have never lost an animal because of stupidity, but friends of
mine have and they are still my friends.  Believe me, they got the lecture
of a lifetime and will NEVER be such idiots again.
That is all I have to say.
[Posted in FML issue 2765]