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Wed, 21 Jul 1999 10:59:29 -0400
Matthew Ardill & Siani Evans <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
[log in to unmask] wrote:
>I don't know what to do. For those who may not remember Meoshee is the
>ferret we got out of the local paper, we don't know how truthful the
>previous owner was to us he said he had her for a year and a half but she
>is smaller than some babes we've seen in the pet stores.  She has the
>problem with biting feet or anything she can get a hold of.  She doesn't
>seem to be getting any better, maybe even worse.  We've tried just about
>everything.  We still can't hold her and she now seems to attack our feet.
the main trick with bite training ferrets with questionable backgrounds is
that it takes *time*.  i remember your first post on the subject- i think i
even sent you a reply, and it really hasn't been long enough.
the other thing is that you say you have tried everything.  so you can't
have been doing any one thing for more than a day or two.  you have to be
*really* consistent.  like to the point of utter monotony.
third thing- ferrets need to have lots of time outside of the cage.  and
they need someone to play and cuddle with during that time.  it's not at
all optional.  playtime has to happen for several hours, loose on the
floor, not restrained, and you have to be there.  this is the most
important thing that you can do for your ferrets.  if your ferret bites,
wear thick clothing so it can be ignored.  you say that you can't hold your
ferret.  that's normal- ferrets don't like to be held still.  most of us
sort of speed-cuddle our ferts.  we catch them up of the floor, give them a
big hug and a kiss, and put them back and get ready to play more.
>She doesn't seem to respond to noises but I don't know how to tell if
>she's deaf.
a good test is to use a squeaky toy.  when she is in her cage and
distracted, but awake, squeak the squeaker in a way so that she can't see
you do it.  at the pet shop i worked at i used to hold the squeaker under
the cage, but just doing it when she is looking the other way would work.
if she looks for the noise, or glances in that direction, she hears.  do
this a few times at seperate times, because sometimes ferrets ignore stuff.
if she never turns to look for the squeaker, she's deaf.
>Are all ferrets this way?
most are at first, to an extent.  some never nip hard, and just mouth.
some latch on to you and draw blood.  i've got more experience with the
latter type... Baby ferrets from pet stores usually bite, and most bite
hard.  babies also have much sharper teeth than adults.  that's because
they don't know how hard they can nip people in comparison to other ferrets
and are often frightened.
>Should I give her over to an experienced ferret owner and start with a
that depends.  are you willing to get bitten for a couple of months in
order to train her out of it, or do you find that you can't handle being
bitten?  some people just can't.  it doesn't make you a wimp or anything,
you just can't deal with bites.  to me it sounds like you really can't take
being bitten.  but if you should decide to find your ferret a home more
suited to her, make sure that this one is permanent.  she's been through at
least one owner before you, and likely others.  ferrets love consistency,
and having one owner forever is a big part of that.  and whatever you do,
don't rush out and buy a baby ferret.  get some books and stuff about
training and caring for a ferret, so that you have reference material on
hand.  and try to get a ferret from a breeder or shelter and not a pet
store- pet stores just can't do a good job of socialising ferret kits.  if
you decide that you can't deal with biting you are going to have to go out
of your way to find a good ferret.
>Also if anyone knows of any good ferret vets in Baton Rouge Louisiana
>please let me know.
sorry, can't help you there.  but for more info and to contact more ferret
people you should also try the Ferret-L digest, it's a different ferret
mailing list.  the email address is [log in to unmask] to
subscribe, write to [log in to unmask]
[Moderator's note: Guess this was meant for the FFML... info is good here
too.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2749]