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Thu, 8 Jul 1999 15:11:15 EDT
Jodie Bohlmann <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
All my sick babies are sleeping and I've been catching up on days' worth of
FML.  I just couldn't let this subject pass without comment.
Does anyone remember those posters that used to be popular?  If you stared
at them just the right way, you could see a 3-D image hidden in a seemingly
meaningless design.  When those first came out, I stared and stared and
could not see anything.  I thought people who said they saw something were
playing a joke.  It reminded me of the Emperor's New Clothes.  Everyone
said how pretty it looked, but I sure couldn't see anything.  Well, I can
see those hidden designs now, but I don't smell anything except ferret butt
when I sniff tail.  Now, I'm not saying that those of you who say your
ferret tails smell like flowers are trying to fool the rest of us into
thinking we're missing a gene.  I'm just saying, I don't smell anything.
What do the rest of you think?  Are flower tails like the 3-D posters, and
I just don't get it?  Or is it like the Emperor's New Clothes and there's
nothing there to sniff?  <g>
In honor of those who think their pets rears smell good, I'm enclosing this
children's rhyme:
Moses supposes his toeses are roses,
But Moses supposes erroneously,
For nobody's toeses we knowses are roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be!
Jodie and four sick, sleeping fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 2735]