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Mon, 28 Jun 1999 00:47:42 EDT
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Hi to all,
Been awhile since I have written.  Been reading daily, though.  A couple of
things.  There was a lady in WA looking for someone to ferret sit for her
this summer.  I thought I saved her E-mail url, but can't seem to find it.
If she is still looking, we are willing to take a couple for her.  She, of
course, would be able to come to visit and check us out before making her
decision.  Please contact me via E-mail if still interested.
" I am Weasel" is a spin off of Cow and Chicken.  It is about a weasel who
is a super hero.  Very cute.  We have been watching it for a while now.
Shows how intelligent the weasel family is.
We are learning new things about our boys everyday.  Been working real hard
at ferret proofing the area they are aloud to roam in.  Our middle one,
Chiquito, is very inquisitive.  If there is a way for him to get onto, into
or around something he will find it.  Helps us to realize what we have
missed.  Keeps us busy.  He is even kind enough to share this info with the
other two.  So generous.
Another way of educating people about ferrets is on the job.  I, as the
proud mom of three have taken pictures of them to work and they sit in my
cubicle.  My coworker come by, see them and ask many questions.  It is
amazing how little is known about these wonderful loving creatures.  While
talking to one person, it seems another will come by and start asking.  I
work in a fairly large office so I know I am doing my part in the
education.  Many have changed their minds about them.  Most thought of them
as rodents and not at all lovable.  They know better now.  We also spread
the word on our walks, when it is warm enough and our jaunts to the beach.
The boys just love digging in the sand.
Anyone interested in Funnel cages....we have one and the boys love it.  It
is well worth the price.  They chase each other, sleep and hide in it when
a strange sound scares them.
Sorry so long.  Our thoughts and prayers to all who have lost a little one
and to those with the sick.
DOOKS to all.
Vi, Michael and the boys
Tawny: momma's boy
Chiquito: I know I can!
Teddy: Don't touch my Cheweasels!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2724]