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Print Reply
Sat, 26 Jun 1999 14:41:17 EDT
Dick Bossart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Q: Is there actually a test that can be done when a ferret is showing NO
signs of ECE that would indicate if it is a carrier?
A: Not yet.  To the best of my knowledge, no one has positively identified
the agent responsible for ECE.  It's likely a virus but it hasn't been
isolated yet.
Q: On Wednesday, I started feeding him every 5 hours, per the vet, to see
if he would start eating his normal food again.  I've tried softening it,
putting Feretone on it, & even mixing it into his soup, but no luck.  Any
other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
A: We've had our best luck in weaning ferrets off of Duck Soup by gradually
making the Soup less "duck" like and more ferret food like.  Gradually cut
back on the other ingredients except for the ferret's normal food and
water.  When you are down to wet ferret food, gradually decrease the amount
of water, making it thicker and chunkier each time until you are feeding
just dry food.  It won't always work.  There are cases of ferrets
forgetting how to eat and who have to be syringe fed for the rest of their
lives.  Fortunately, those instances are rare.
Q: Can anyone out there tell me when a kit stops growing and has reached
the size it will stay for the remainder of its life?
A: Generally, the kit will pretty much be full-sized at 6 months, although
some will put on a growth spurt again at 8 months.  Our hobs did, but the
added size was mostly muscle.  They grow remarkably fast from birth to 4
months though.  You could almost swear that you can see them grow
sometimes.  <G>
Dick B.
4 Li'l Paws Ferret Shelter
Merrimack, NH
[Posted in FML issue 2723]