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Tue, 18 May 1999 07:58:36 -0500
Rebecca McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
My condolences to everyone who's lost a baby and a friend lately.  Happy
dooking to all.
I've finally gotten to see Mookie do his version of a war dance!  He's
always bopped around, but he's learned how to do the sideways moves, and he
'hisses' while dancing.  Suzy, Genie, and Mookie were all playing this
morning and he was just dancing up a storm, chasing them and me.  I love it.
I've now got 4 out of 7 converts to chicken gravy!  Socks will literally
nudge and bug me till I get it fixed for them.  Calvin won't come up for
air at all, and then when Socks, Kit, Suzy, and he are done, he tries to
cart off what's left with the saucer.  Now if I can just get the other
three to eat......
Last July Sara, our daughter, spent that month in Montana and South Dakota
with relatives.  She brought Larry back a rainstick.  I don't know if
anyone else has one, but the fuzz butts go wild when you shake it!  Scully
was charging and leaping for it last night-looking like Scar in the final
battle scene from the Lion King!  It was soooooo funny.  They were all
wound up, and when I'd put it down, they'd roll over the top.  Now I'm
thinking about buying BB's, taking some of the plastic eggs and putting
some in it, then gluing it shut so they couldn't work it open.
For the last thing: enough already on the Tiffany Taylor/Modern Ferret
thing.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions, etc.  However, blasting a
lady who has chosen a different sort of occupation but is a ferret lover is
just getting out of hand.  I agree with Marie, this lady didn't do anything
like Clinton and Lewinsky, and people all over, for some strange reason,
still think he's the best think since sliced bread, and fawn all over her.
I personally refused to read the Time magazine with her interview in it,
but I didn't cancel my subscription to it.  How many of the people blasting
Tiffany watch afternoon soap operas?  Granted, you can't compare those to
Playboy, but from what I've glimpsed every now and then, I'm not watching
them, and I'm not throwing out the TV.  I also haven't seen the issue of
MF, so can't pass judgement on that, either.  But the woman is a human with
a love of ferrets, and willing to help promote them--read what Randy from
F.A.S.T. wrote.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please,
let's give the issue a rest, ok?  Enough is enough.
Rebecca & the two other human slaves
Socks (Yawn, whaddaya mean Playmate?  I've got 6 of those already!)
Kit (Mom, you should enter my picture--I'm sooo sexy!)
Genie(Lovely to look at, delightful to hold, but if you touch me, I might
bite your toes!)
Scully(Big deal.  Just shake that stick again and lemme at it!)
Calvin(Nah, I don't wanna look at any picture, I'm trying to get this
       saucer and gravy hid)
Suzy Derkins(Kit, I've got a longer, softer coat than you do)
Mookie(Hey, can I be a Playmate?  Mom, what's a playmate, anyway?)
Chewie, Dribble, Sarabi & Tigger(So, Playmate?  Is that a catnip toy?)
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2682]