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Thu, 13 May 1999 10:22:42 EDT
"Michael Schieman, Mee Maw and ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi Folks!
Well, after umpteen CAT scans, eleventy million needles, forty-twelve
infections, a few transfusions, two belly tubes, and a partridge in a pear
tree - not to mention more fun than is legally allowed in seven states and
the Republic of Bangladesh, the doctor has pronounced me well enough to
return to work on June 1st.
Got the last drainage tube out of my belly last Thursday.  It had been
there so long that the scar it left makes me look like I have two belly
buttons.  Mee Maw wants to take a picture of t and put it on my web page.
I don't think that's going to happen in her lifetime!  Hmmm.  I just got
an express package from the freak show at a local carnival.  Wonder what
they want?
On Tuesday I went for my final CAT scan.  I'm happy to report that my
gizzard and other innards appear to be in pretty good order.  Not cats
showed up on the film either.  The radiologists did say he saw a shadow
that appeared to be an old sock but it seemed to be digesting properly.
(Tater and Odie, go find me a switch!)
All in all, I think it's safe to say that my return from doorstep of the
Rainbow Bridge has been successful and is nearly complete.  So be ye warned
all ye members of the FML: at any moment, when you least expect it, when
you think you're going to have a good day, you might just open up your FML
and find a post from me or from Tater and Odie.
Serimously, many much thanks for all the prayers and expressions of support
you have sent my way.  Without them, my recovery would have been much more
Kudos and a special tip of my Goofy hat to Bryan Coffey for his excellent
work on The Ferret Poem Book. Tater and Odie give it Two Tails Up - With a
Joy to the World!
Paw Paw
[Posted in FML issue 2677]