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Mon, 29 Mar 1999 12:58:53 -0500
Rebecca McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
Georgette: The saying you have that "nothing is impossible for a
sufficiently talented ferret" hit us at home this weekend!  We have a
barricade up at the top of the steps to keep our furrbutts there, as its
the only ferret safe zone.  Well, the kid just had to keep bringing Kit
downstairs, and last night she did it again.  Sara thinks when she brings
Kit or Suzy down, then sets them beside me that I'm going to be the one
watching them (yeah, right on!).  Well, I made her take Kit back upstairs,
then Sara disappeared into the black hole known as her bedroom.  I was on
the couch watching a show, and noticed the cats were absolutely mesmerized
at the stairwell.  Well, I stood up just in time to see a sable butt
disappear into a box!  Practically leaped over the couch and there was her
royal highness, Kit, with the most delighted look you've ever seen.  I
marched her back upstairs, set her down, and before I knew it, she'd
whirled, jumped and cleared the gate again!  This went on for three or four
times, Sara appears and said, "Look, she's bouncing off the small board on
the bottom." Soooo, all the fuzzies went up, I tore the gate apart, and put
the board on the back side (hoping against hope this would solve the
problem.  uh huh, sure).
This morning all the fuzzies came stretching and yawning out, and I
watched.  Kit just took off with the rest terrorizing the world, and I felt
sufficiently safe to go feed the cats, but did keep an ear tuned to the
stairwell.  Well, you guessed it.  I heard some bouncing and scratching,
and was standing at the foot of the stairs when suddenly, Poof, here's Kit
coming over the top.  Imagine her surprise to see me there!  Set her down
and watched, and ol' rubber legs just bounded on over.  Took her into the
bedroom, woke up the SO telling him you have got to help me on this one!  I
asked him to keep hold of her while I cleaned their litter pan which always
proves an adventure.  Anybody else have their ferrets climbing into the
sack the dirty litter is going into??????  They really love it, either that
or the attention it gets them!  So here I am, cleaning, pulling fuzzbutts
outta the sack and suddenly there goes Calvin (AKA Walrus butt) with the
dreaded blue M&M's man (where they were going I don't even want to know),
and suddenly Kits off the bed and across the floor, me in pursuit.  I catch
her at the top of the gate again, give the SO 'the look', finish the pan
cleaning, the ferret out of the sack, and get them all corralled.  The
looks I got were so offended (they get over an hour a morning to play-today
about 20 minutes).  I told them blame Kit.
So tonight I make the barricade higher, then wait to see if Kit has
mountain climbing gear hidden somewhere.  That, and watch Calvin race
through with another toy!
Linda, your fuzzy loves you.  Its just that young, tender children have a
medley of food flavors on them.
BTW-was in the Pass Pets here in Lafayette, and they have two 4 month old
albinos in a very, very small area.  This is the same place I got my Mookie
from (these are possibly his littermates)  Well, they have these two poor
babies in a very tiny enclosure, nails need to be trimmed.  The 'kid' there
handed me the male and of course I'm suggesting that he gets them somewhere
where they can exercise (told him how Mookie could hardly walk when we took
him home), told him nails needed to be trimmed and suggested ferrotone on
tummy (pet store employee didn't even know what I was talking about!).
Right now they're $99.95 each, but he thought they'd take less.  Went home
and was frothing at the mouth over the treatment.  My SO looks at me, said
see if they'll take $100 for both.  If they do, go get them AND STAY OUTTA
THAT PET STORE.  Well, they won't, so all I can do is check every now and
then and see if they're doing anything to better the welfare of these poor
babies.  Any one have any suggestions?
Rebecca & the other two human slaves
Socks-hey, I didn't do anything-just gimme a treat
Genie-I'm supposed to be the climber of this group
Scully-whoa-what is she doing
Calvin-grab the toys and run
Suzy Derkins-Mom-how come we're up so early
Mookie-Momma, roll me over and 'body surf' me again
Chewie, Dribble, Sarabi, & Tigger-yes, but we felines are so much more
graceful when clearing the gate
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2631]