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Mon, 12 Apr 1999 12:51:55 -0700
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To add a little note about ferts names...
Angel Baby , the dark sable old woman who is the queen of the house, came
to me as an "Angel"..and I was singing the old Linda Ronstadt song one day
while cleaning and cutting her nails and ended up singing "Oh-oh 0hhhh..
Angel Baby " instead of "Oh Oh Ohhhh Baby baby"
Bismarck was named by hubby as (according to Russ) he has a royal look..
Wilhelm (Willi) went into that category also.  They are both sable big old
boys (what grand daughter calls them collectively..the Big Old Boys)
Xena-warrior princess is a biter and only calm for the elderly woman who
'babysits' her for us all the time..Ethel wouldn't want to 'own' a ferret,
but she is happy to keep Xena, who she calls That Little Rascal all the
time.  Two of the 3 new girls were called 'Tweak" by their former
owner..after the sound he made when he flicked them on the nose for biting
(lets not go there..ok?)
The one ferret he did name was an Angel (DEW) and I already had an Angel.
So I decided to go with flower names, living with the ferts to decide what
flower they might be most like.
Daphne for the DEW as my daphne plant has lovely glossy white flowers
and Daphne has a lovely glossy white coat...too bad they dont smell the
same <g>.
Daisy is the cinnamon girl..she has a very yellow undercoat and large dark
Shy Violet fis the baby..Shy is very timid, hides under what ever she can
(and bites anything coming close to her), is afraid of the world and is a
big challenge to gentle.
It has taken me over a month to get Daisy and Shy to allow me to hold them
for any length of time without serious bites.  I am wounded from cheek to
toes from these mistreated girls but determined to let them learn about
human love.  I keep saying I hope to rehab these girls and find new
homes..I never intended to have so many ferts...**but**
(where did all these ferts come from?)
[Posted in FML issue 2645]