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Thu, 27 May 1999 18:32:06 EDT
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In a message dated 5/27/99 1:51:08 AM, Barbara Ludt wrote:
>As a Board member of the Shelter at the time the above-referenced offer
>was made (several years ago), I feel it imperative I respond with...as
>radio personality Paul Harvey would say, "The rest of the story.....".
All I was trying to point out is that some vets and schools are willing to
do services for free or reduced rates, not "bash" anyone's shelter.  I
apologize for not leaving off my last line about the decline of the offer.
I just didn't want people e-mailing me to find out who had used the vet
school when it didn't happen.  I should have worded it better, but I did
try to make it as "untraceable" as possible so no one would jump to any
I think the conversation thread of pricing is interesting and worthwhile.
>The vet who went from $150 to $400 may have just gone from charging what
>it cost in materials (ie.  anesthesia, sponges, suture, drapes, etc.) to
>charging for materials AND for his/her PROFESSIONAL TIME.
Nope - it was definitly because the owner of the clinic wanted the dollars
other clinics were getting.  HE does not deal with ferrets, it is one of
his vets on staff.
Now, I don't think all vet prices are overpriced.  I don't really see the
"newer at doing surgeries" offering the lowest prices either.  Actually,
the more respected Mid-Atlantic expert vets charge the lower fees (under
$300).  Most also allow their clients to make partial then monthly
payments.  All I was really trying to point out, and many of you picked up,
was that adrenal prices need to be stabalized a bit more.  From what I've
read, I think $200-$300 is what most people feel is affordable and would be
happy to pay.
Maybe at the next Small Animal Vet Conference, Dr K or another vet on-line
would like to address some sort of standardization process for surgery
prices (not price fixing) based on this input?
Pam Troutman
[Posted in FML issue 2692]