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Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:47:04 -0800
JT Speikn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I have a question about our ferret, Silver.  She's six months old, and
WAS an extremely hyperactive and on-the-go ferret.  A month ago, she ate
several oreos and started to get FAT.  We were concerned and took her to
the vet (we had X-ray done on her to check for possible blockage or
internal problems), gave her ferret laxatives, etc, but nothing seemed to
be wrong with her.  She kept being very active and alert.  Ever since that
oreo incident, she has been gaining weight consistently.  We wouldn't call
her obese, but she is definitely heavy and chunky.  We don't know why she
keeps gaining weight.  We also noticed that she's much lazier and sleeps a
lot more often, but she is not lethargic.  Is this a seasonal change, or
should we be worried about something more serious?  If we want to put her
on a diet, how should we do that?  We have two ferrets, and they eat out of
the same food bowl.  Should we completely switch both of their diets (even
the other one's not fat at all)?
Please give us some inputs.
For the people who has been e-mailing us, we're sorry but we've been
extremely busy lately PLUS our server keeps crashing.  We'll still try to
e-mail you back.
Thanks a lot.
JT & Rena
Trina the unpredictable lapferret
Silver the weiner dooker getting-there lapferret
[Posted in FML issue 2620]