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Thu, 19 Aug 1999 15:56:44 GMT
brenda schrecengost <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Ok, so I forgot to add the little bit about cages...
To the person in Alaska (sorry, don't remmeber your name!:), I'm thinking
of expanding my cage too.  Its a two story cage, and that can't possibly be
big enough for my two overly spoiled ferrets!  I was pondering doing
something with chicken wire, but it seems that the fuzzbutts would probably
try to stick their heads through that, and that wouldn't be a good thing at
all.  I've done a little bit (not a lot) of searching, and so far I haven't
found anything suitable for building an addition.  At one point, I had a
plastic crate rigged up to the cage, which I thought was a pretty neat
idea, but the ferrets took one look at it, then I swear they looked at me
and laughed, because after all the time I spent bungee-cording it on,
making sure they couldn't squeeze through it...they went back to sleep in
their hammock.  ;)
I'm hoping to make the addition collapsible...which I don't think this will
be too hard, once I actually get the time to go out searching.  If anyone
has any spare time, feel free to send it to me.  With these pesky classes
approaching, I'll be sure to be experiencing a shortage.  I have their two
story cage sitting on a footlocker right now.  I think I'll leave it their,
and build the addition to come up to the top of the bottom door, which is
probably about 2.5feet or so.  I think the addition might be two levels as
well.  Who knows, maybe their mind powers will overcome me, and I will
build them a four story cage to attach to the front of their
cage...Hopefully I'll be able to make it all come together (or entice the
ferrets to use their powers on the boyfriend) and not be too
expensive....and not take up my entire living room.  ;)
Well that's about all the rambling I'll torture you with today.
Pinky & the Brain
[Posted in FML issue 2778]