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Tue, 3 Aug 1999 22:48:14 -0500
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This past week - supposedly my vacation from work - has been pure hell for
me with the move and such.  After getting together everything for the move,
I barely had a chance to breathe before I lost 'Nony two days ago, and then
spent all day yesterday at the vets with Cinnamin because of her accident.
Tonight, I've found that the electrical power was lost to the ferret room
today and my 15 of the 16 that were in there subcumbed to the heat.  I am
at a complete loss.  My husband and the rest of my family keeps telling me
that there is nothing we could have done, but I can't help but feel
responsible.  I've spent the past two years doing everything I can for my
babies to love and spoil them, giving them the best, but it wasn't enough.
There are so many "what if's" that I keep going over and over in my mind.
My husband and his best friend have already buried my babies but each time
I think of my babies, I start bawling again.  So many people thought I was
crazy to have so many ferrets, but they provided me hours of laughter and
so much love.
I still have Cinnamin and Snow - Cinnamin was being kept in a different
room because of her injury..and I can only guess that Snow survived because
she was the only white one.  At this point, I think I'm just going to keep
it at two.
I am supposed to return to work tomorrow, but I don't know if I'm going to
make it.  I keep thinkingk about how I found them, and start crying again
and again.  Then I think of each of them..their personalities...what made
them each so special to me.  My babies -
Flicker...Eeek!... Butterscotch...Houdini...Blackie...Bristles...Monster -
I am going to miss you all so much!
Please, everyone, with the heat wave that is going on, please have a backup
plan in place in case something happens.  I'm not sure if there is an alarm
that will sound if the temperature rises above a certain temperature, but
if there is, please get something like that for your babies.  Or if your
babies are kept in a seperate room, make sure you have something that will
let you know if a breaker is thrown.  If I had had something like that, my
babies wouldn't have suffered the horrible way they did.
Please give your fuzzies extra hugs, kisses, and special treats...and
remember just how important they are to you.
Mary Reeves, aka Shadra
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[Posted in FML issue 2762]