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Mon, 2 Aug 1999 08:39:35 -0700
William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (93 lines)
>From:    outlawdook <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Screaming Scruffed Fuzzie
>I've been reading the thread of the woman with a screaming scruffed
>fuzzbutt, at a recent ferret show.  I had to comment here at this point
>(sorry Zen), there is a big difference between a screaming and whinny
>ferret.  I'm sure most agree that if a ferret is screaming and it's a
>shrill sound, that ferret is terrified of or from something.
Well its not always so clear.  Really.  But I didn't hear a ferret in pain.
I was there.  I heard a fussy ferret.  The person in question is not on the
list.  I have seen her explanation and it sounds very reasonable to me.
That had been sent in response to someone who asked her directly what
>From:    Robynn McCarthy <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: tossing ferrets..but not like a salad..
>Bill included me in this discussion for some odd reason,
You quoted my explanation of why you...
>> Just cited you as first in the list that admit to playing with your
>> ferrets.
>The game I play with my ferrets is only a couple of inches off of a
>carpeted floor.  I wouldn't EVER hold a ferret belly up and expect them
>to twist midair AND that I would catch them safely.
Ferrets are far sturdier than most folks give then credit for.  And you
might try the twist thing.  You might be underestimating your ferrets.
If you are just saying that you don't trust yourself, thats fine.  You
shouldn't do things that you are too worried about.
>I've never seen any positive reaction from a ferret through negative
>reinforcement or discipline
Well.  Lots of people have.  Do what you think works for your ferrets.
What we choose to do is certainly not the only correct method.  But think
carefully about some of the standard training techniques for litterbox
training ferrets.  If you start a ferret in a small space with a litter box
and increase the size of the space when he or she uses the box and decrease
it again when he or she is bad you are using positive and negative
feedback.  Pain isn't always extreme, sometimes its merely discomfort.  The
ferret that has its space reduced is getting made more uncomfortable.  A
form of pain.  Scruffing your ferret causes a mild pain, the discomfort of
having no controll but it isn't a pain like a burn or cut.  Try asking your
ferrets if they enjoy being scruffed.  We'd bet they don't.  Its a
reasonable amount of discomfort to accomplish what you need to do.  Some
ferrets enjoy baths while others don't.  But sometimes they need the baths
that some consider extreme torture.  Getting vaccinations is pain.  Not
even mere discomfort but nearly all of us agree that that pain is good in
the end.
I haven't ever advocated using whips or choke chains on ferrets.  Just
rewards for good behavior and punishment for bad behavior.
>From:    kat parsons <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: cooling/air flow
If a fan is causing cooler air to reach the ferrets then yes its good.  If
its just causing more hot air to reach the ferrets its not doing much good
at all.  Some though.  Ferrets bodies generate heat and if there body is
warmer than the general environment it can still do some good to let air
cooler than the air heated up by their bodies replace the closer hotter
air.  But not a whole lot.
>From:    Limejello <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Fits & Shans
It takes paved roads to be more of a state?  Guess I musta moved to a
lesser state without changing states.  I'm almost a mile from pavement.
Don't have any bugs though.  Three '73 things and a Vanagon.  But maybe
VW's and ferrets make for controversial people.  Remember Edward Lipinski
drives a Type III.
>From:    Kelly Clark <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: A letter I emailed to Marshall Farms.
>I am very knowledgable in the ferret field and have heard from many
>people including the pet store owner that I visited yesterday that
>you use 90% of your ferrets for experimental purposes.
Doubt you impressed them with your knowledge.  Its more like 90% of their
ferrets sold to pet market and only up to 10% sold for research as of about
1994.  Marshall doesn't use them for experimental purposes but rather they
sell them for others to use.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2761]