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Sun, 25 Jul 1999 09:57:37 EDT
Leigh Whitaker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi everyone!
I've posted this a few times, but I thought it was worth posting again,
since there's been a few people asking about how to get rid of ear mites
the last week or so.  Fargo, our albino had a pretty bad case of ear mites
when I first got her.  I tried repeatedly to get rid of them with ear
drops.  It was difficult to get her to hold still (I lived alone at the
time and couldn't hold her and get the drops in without a lot of trauma
both to me and to her, and to do this for 2 weeks!).  Finally I found a
great ferret vet in Knoxville, TN (Dr. Rosemary Jones) who suggested that a
treatment with Advantage or Front Line would, in addition to preventing or
getting rid of fleas, also get rid of the ear mites.
This didn't require an application directly to the ears, although Dr. Jones
said she had heard of this being done (check with YOUR vet before you do
this!!!!).  I simply applied it to all the ferrets as I would for fleas
and not more than a week later the ear mites were gone, and Fargo was a
different ferret!  I hadn't realized how the mites were affecting her
personality.  They must be extremely distracting and irritating because she
became more playful and interactive after the mites were gone.  Anyway, I
encourage anyone with a mite problem to give this a try, and maybe before
the application of Advantage or Front Line give the ferret's ears a good
cleaning so they can get a fresh start!
Hope this helps!
Leigh and Fargo, Fonzi, Kami, and Moon Boy
[Posted in FML issue 2753]