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Mon, 19 Jul 1999 11:13:39 -0400
Lynn Foster or Chris Stephenson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Dear FML:
The following is from the Toronto Star, Monday, July 19, page B2
[Moderator's note: I deleted part of the story due to possible copyright
issues.  The important fact -- the additional charges -- remains.  BIG]
New Charges In Ferret Attack
"The 19 year-old mother of a baby boy severely mauled by a pet ferret in
Whitby on Canada Day faces three new charges.
In addition to charges of criminal negligence causing bodily harm and
failing to provide the necessities of life, the mother has been charged
with obstructing police.
She was also charged with cruelty to animals and aiding and abetting a
breach of recognizance.... the case was adjourned to Thursday..."
I will find out tomorrow where this case is being heard on Thursday and
get a phone and email address so we can keep the pressure up in this case.
There will be no time for mail.  It is imperative that the cruelty to
animal charge be upheld and not thrown out of court or traded off for a
lighter sentence.
Please, when you see my information, try to take the time to call or send
an email - it is important for the powers that be to know they are being
watched by a large, international group of observers and it is important
that they know that this type of behaviour must be punished so that
hopefully this woman will never be allowed to own a pet again.
[Posted in FML issue 2747]