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Thu, 8 Jul 1999 05:03:28 -0400
April Gallaty <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
O.k.  I have been reading the many levels of discussion lately and I just
had to put my foot where my mouth is...or is that money where my wallet
is....or fuzzy where my butt is....anyway....
I have sniffed all my furkid's tails.  I think their tails smell like Grape
Kook-Aid.  Why?  I think it's the litter I use.  I use Cat's Pride Dust
Stopper Paper Litter.  It particularly doesn't smell like grape Kool-Aid,
but I think it has some sort or reaction with their end product and the
smell sticks.  I also believe it's the litter because my two newest
furkid's tails also smell that way and they've only been here 2 weeks.
Either that or it's diet.
Which, brings me to the next subject.  Dried Fruit?  I don't see why not.
In moderation.  People tend to feed ferrets raisins and craisins.  My guys
don't eat raisins, but love pear.  So, each night, for coming to the
squeaky ball, they get their pear piece.
Now, as far as body parts go, all four of my fuzzies like a different body
part.  My Luna loves the hard callous on my heel.  She will latch onto it
and chew like hell.  I know most would think that nuts, but she won't bite
me or nip my toes or anything.  But when my socks go off, she likes my
heel.  She digs and chews.  (Of course I try to discourage it.  It kinda
hurts when she gets REALLY excited and bites down hard).  Sola likes my
eyes.  At night, after I wash my face and dry it, she comes in my room and
if I lay down and close my eyes, she will clean them again and groom my eye
brows.  (If I could only teach her to pluck them.) Venus likes my lips.
When I pick her up she will grab my lips with her teeth ever so gently and
pull and release.  Pull and release.  It's too funny.  Orion is a boy.  He
likes to stick his head in my crotch.  UUUGH!  If I sit on the floor cross
legged, he dives in between my knees and snuffles.  I have to jump up
because I'm afraid he will nip me.  I know he wouldn't intend to hurt, but
always better to err on the side of caution!  :)
My guys poop in odd places too.  I don't know why, but somedays, it's like
they all get together and say, 'Hey.  Let's poop in ONE spot today.  Make a
mountain.' and they do.  Big humongous combination poop mountain.  It's not
like there isn't 8 potties in the house!  This doesn't happen every day.
Just every once in a while.
My favorite pet of the six in the house (4 ferrets, 1 dog and 1 cat) is the
one with four legs and fur. :)
Finally, to make you all chuckle (if I haven't already), I accidentally
left a bag of unmentionables on the floor in the bathroom.  I go to another
part of the house and about 30 minutes later, come back.  Low and behold,
there are pads everywhere!  In the package, outside the package.  One was
open and half drug under the coffee table!  So, I clean up, account for
everyone, make sure none have been chewed up (for blockages), dispense
laxatone just in case, and then send everyone on their playing way.  That
afternoon, I went looking for Sola and she was laying in her hammock with
her little head resting on a Kotex like a pillow!  It was too much!  I
wouldn't let my husband photograph it though because I felt I didn't want
to explain it to the photo guy.  You know he looks at your photos! :)
Kisses and dooks to all....
April, Bridgette, and Nutt and the "Loves" group of ferrets...
L una
O rion
V enus
S ola
April Gallaty
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net, your charity gets a percentage of what you spend.  Start here...
[Posted in FML issue 2735]