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Wed, 7 Jul 1999 21:44:03 -0500
Annie White <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
I am a new ferret mom.I received 3 female fuzzys for my birthday in May.
They consist of Buttercup & Buttermilk who are albinos,and Patches who I
think is a Siamese.They are about 3 months old,unfixed and undescented.My
husband and 3 daughters think that it is great that I am into ferrets,since
they love them too.They are so playful,I just love to watch them run all
over the house.They chase my 7 year old around the house like she is one of
them.I want to breed them so I bought Bandit .I have never heard my other 3
babies dook,but Bandit (who is 6 month old) does it constantly.While my
husband was holding Bandit I introduced Patches to him.Bandit grabbed her
ear and would not let go.My husband had to force Bandits mouth open to get
my poor Patches away.She was shaking and trying to hide in my shirt.I have
a 3 apartment cage that the girls go in at night(just to keep them safe
from being stepped on by a sleep walker)so I place Bandit in the middle
compartment,and the girls on both sides so they could get use to each
other.But he tries to bite the girls through the cage.Can someone please
tell me if this normal,or if it is some kind of mating habit ,are is he
trying to fight them,or what.I really want them to get along,I'm scared to
let him out while they are out .He loves to give hugs and kisses to the
family ,but how do I get him to be nice to my babies?And why don't my
females dook?  I would really love to hear from anyone with any kind of
advice pertaining to my babies welfare.
Thank you for any help you may give
New Ferret_Mom in Arkansas
[Posted in FML issue 2734]