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Tue, 6 Jul 1999 10:16:53 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Okay, ferrets dance, but NOT like Egyptians.  You can find the information
you need by searching the FML archives and by going to:
You'll find a good chunk of information in each.
I'll try to get the time to ask our local Public Safety Education officer
if there are any known problems with the stickers; our Neighborhood Watch
sure was NOT informed of any, and i can't see why they would cause the
problems cited so would have appreciated clarification.  Don't know if
I'll have time to ask or Denny will have time to reply, though, so could
a police officer or relative on one on this list, please, inform us all.
With a list this large there are sure to be some represented.
Some things we do post-op:
1. Set up a separate cage and fix up the back bathroom to be the mail
   location for the recovering one.
2. Provide newspaper instead of litter to keep the incision cleaner and
   to eliminate climbing.
3. Use pots which have shallow ramps once those can be handled.  We have
   found two favorite types which do not irritate their anuses like
   home-cut ones do.  One has very tall sides and a curved, gentle edge and
   is made by Marshall.  I can't recall who makes the other, but those are
   the shape of small cat litter pans but with a ramp into them, completely
   with little ridges so the ferret won't slip.  I've seen them in two
   small pet stores recently.
4. MOST IMPORTANT:  monitor, monitor, monitor -- if a complication
   happens you want to be able to jump fast.
5. We provide soft food in slurries as soon as food can be given, often
   with Pedialyte, Kayolyte (our guys' favorite is their grape, and
   Kayolyte is dry so it doesn't have to be frozen or used up in two days)
   or another electrolyte solution added.  These slurries can be based
   around one's own home cooked duck soups, around thinned A/D (available
   from vet), around meat baby food, etc.
6. The best thing is to NOT force feeding, so first try giving it on your
   finger, or by spoon, with singing, with someone holding another ferret
   likely to steal the food (to make it obvious that someone wants it and
   may steal it), etc.  If that doesn't work then there are some wonderful
   child droppers at pharmacies.  They have very large holes for sucking
   up the food and because the holes are large and the accordian type top
   gives wonderful control it doesn't shoot out and cause choking or
   respiratory infections.  The tops are in either pick or blue and have a
   raised clown on them in the same color.  Be sure to be patient even if
   meal time has to take ages and allow plenty of breathing breaks.
   DEFINITELY, try feeding from your finger long before you try force
   feeding and don't rush the little one.
7. If the ferret doesn't have insulinoma you might want to also use a
   soup of Nutrical in warm water to get in extra vitamins, minerals,
   and calories.
Those are some of the basics.
Oh, someone asked what the other insulinoma med is.  It's Proglycem.
Carla, thanks for the info!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2733]