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Thu, 1 Jul 1999 05:54:29 -0400
"M. Max" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Hi all, My ferret Myc is an older guy - 8+ years.  He's been reasonably
healthy all of his life except that like many ferrets, his spleen is
enlarged.  It has been this way for about 4 years but it has gotten larger
over time.  It seems to be a pretty common type of enlarged spleen with no
apparent cancerous growth consisting of engorgement with immature blood
cells but no anemea.  Like I said, he seems pretty healthy, pink nosed -
gums, normal weight.  So what's the problem?  I think he's starting to
be bothered by carrying around this large spleen.  Its gotten big enough
to make him uncomfortable.  We are going to the vet soon to talk about
possible surgical removal but I'd like to hear anyone's experiences with
surgery in older ferrets, especially involving the spleen, to get a feel
for how tolerant they are to surgery and how well they recover.  I don't
want to make his life shorter or worse.  I would also like to hear of
anyone's success in treating enlarged spleens surgically - diet changes?
meds?  Is there anything that helps?
Thanks, Max
[Posted in FML issue 2728]