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Wed, 30 Jun 1999 12:49:56 -0400
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
My name is Sylvia and I live in Bronx, N.Y.  I am 20 years old and the
proud mommy of two beautiful sprites, a one year old sable named "Nala"
and a 3 1/2 month old black-eyed white named "Pinky".  Let me start out by
saying that I thank everyone who voiced their support to NY ferret owners
on the FML posting of June 29th-June 30th re: the ban on ferrets in NYC.
I am totally outraged at the fact that ferrets are being looked upon as
outlaws here in NY.  It is bad enough that they are injustly looked at that
way in California.  I didn't hear about it on the news like most people
did, I came across it in the June 30th Daily News in an article written by
Michael R. Blood, Daily News City Hall Bureau Chief.  Needless to say, I
was totally livid when our babies were referred to as "wild, dangerous and
ferocious".  (Anyone who didn't know what a ferret looked like would think
it was the same size and termperament of a lion!!!)  The article goes on to
quote a board statement that said "ferrets are unpredictable and prone to
vicious, unprovoked attacks."  I don't know about all of you, but I've
heard of more cases of "vicious" dogs attacking people than "vicious,
ferocious" ferrets!  Also, within that article they featured a picture of
the Black-Footed Ferret, which as any educated ferret lover would know,
is not the same as our domesticated friends.  I am prepared to raise H$%!
over this with the Board of Health and I, as all New Yorkers with a ferret
or any of the other unjustly "outlawed" animals, would greatly appreciate
all the help we could get.  It is such a great injustice that our little
babies are being looked upon this way and I wish that the board would do
some homework and see how gentle and wonderful the domesticated ferret
really is.  Anyone wishing to write a letter to the board protesting this
ban can write to:
     Dr. Cohen, Commissioner of the Department of Health
     125 Worth Street
     New York, NY 10013
     Fax #: 212-442-8965
Note: When I called the Board of Health, I was given a couple of names to
contact, so if anyone wants to confirm that the above is correct, they can
call the NYC Board of Health's Animal Affairs Department @ 212-676-2120.
Thanks to all for listening and I hope we can all make a difference in this
situation.  (Nala and Pinky thank you too!!!) Please feel free to post your
opinions to this article on the FML.  (I know I'm not alone!!)
Dooks to all!!
Bronx, NY
P.S.  Great quote in the Daily News, Gary!!
P.P.S. BTW, I also plan to e-mail WNEW 102.7 regarding their ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2728]