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Thu, 24 Jun 1999 03:54:45 -0400
"Victoria \\Vikki\\" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hello Everyone,
I have missed reading some of the lists and am behind.  I haven't answered
all of my mail and ask that those of you that I have ignored forgive me.
My dearest friend of 36 years is dying of cancer.  Some days I can barely
function between the tears and sadness.  My fuzzies rescue me from the
darkness on a regular basis and make me remember to laugh.
ED......I am ignorant sometimes.  I have always felt that ED was indeed
real but that one of his major purposes was just to post outrageous stuff,
stir the pot and laugh his butt off at the reactions.
Millie....I have prayed for you and your precious baby Amonia everyday.  My
arms are around you in thought.  What a horrible thing to go through.  Take
care of yourself and hugs to you abnd the fuzzies.
Bob C.  I am praying for your Moose also.  Hopefully we will hear a good
report soon.
Well after the pool and air conditioner I decided to get the ferrets 200
lbs of dirt for their room.  They dig so much and love it.  Watching them
is theraputic.  The first night they had it they dug for hours.  The next
morning I went in to see about them and they were exhausted and laying in a
heap on their dirt.  Just too cute.  I have some new pics up on my website
and more coming!
Hugs to All
Warm Regards, Victoria
Have a Moment? Take a Peek! Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Cats and Rabbits, Oh
"Compassion...can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces
all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind."  Dr. Albert
[Posted in FML issue 2721]