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Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:01:27 -0700
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In a quick response to a recent FML post, I do not believe people buy the
pet store ferrets that are already neutered/spayed just because it is
cheaper, but more as just an impulse.  Going to a reputable breeder for a
quality, hopefully healthier kit, requires research and time.  But say
you're walking through the mall, and that frisky panda ferret in the store
window catches your eye.  And yes, she's the one who gratefully hops over
to your outstretched fingers.  You might go home, think about ferrets, even
do all the research that says a later spayed ferret may be much healthier
as she ages.  Then you're walking through the mall a week or two later, and
there she is, looking at you through the glass aquarium with moist eyes and
eager paws.  And home with a new, loving acquisition you go.  Yes, you're
inviting the large ferret breeders to churn out more, and you're giving the
pet store money to buy a dozen more improperly groomed kits sometimes taken
too soon from their moms and sliced open en masse, but human impulse to
mother a small and cute (extremely, utterly enchanting, adorable, etc.,
etc.) creature strikes.  Yes, there are people who decide that a ferret is
for them, but only if it costs fifty bucks or less.  There are tons of
ferret owners who never did the research, and see price as the first thing.
But, for true ferret lovers, I believe (and I hope) that once they've
purchased that first one, they have then sold their souls to do the utmost
for their furry baby, and will pour through the internet, books, etc.  for
information, and will probably end up spending ten times the cost of a
spay, for all the ferret accessories, vet checks, etc.  to make that little
one as happy and healthy as can be.
Although I urge people to purchase from a shelter, or a reputable small
breeder, the pet store window foil has been proven down the years, and a
cheaper price and convenience will often sway the undecided.
[Posted in FML issue 2718]