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Mon, 7 Jun 1999 22:44:22 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
We are going to Havasu City, Arizona, this weekend to my parents' house
from Cacaland.  On the way back we will follow the Ferrets Anonymous map
around the Needles border stop to test it and I'll post if it is accurate
or not.  We have gone around the border stop many times in the past, just
never bothered to document the exact miles, etc.  This time we will very
specifically keep track of miles, exits, and street names, etc.
After much thought, I have decided to let ferret math strike and will
probably be bringing home a playmate for Toeby.  You see, his sister Buffy
is so busy organizing, reorganizing, and just keeping an up-to-the minute
inventory of all her hidey holes, she's not much into rough and tumble
play (except when she's in the mood to play-what a female she is!).  He
has asked for a big playful brother.
Unfortunately, the Cacaland ferret shelters are so underground, I can't
even find them, so I'll have to get him a brother at a pet store.  If
anyone knows of a 1-2 year old male ferret that needs a good home in the
Southern CA area, please let me know by Friday.  I have been owned by
ferrets for ten years; ferrets have their own room (the only
air-conditioned room in the house); free roam when we're home; and many,
many ferret-proofed hidey holes (just ask Buffy).
A comment on the clear tubes: Last week I ordered one for my kids from the
New Rainbow Bridge and they definitely prefer it to any of the others they
have.  Buffy and Toeby are both deaf (silver blazes), so they are really
enjoying playing chase with one inside and one outside.  They didn't do
this before because they couldn't hear where the other one was in the tube.
Simon the clown dog also enjoys watching them.  The most interesting
reaction, however, came from me.  I couldn't wait to see them do their
thing in the clear tube; they ran in, my chest tightened up, had a hard
time breathing - claustrophobia attack.  Good thing I'm not a ferret!
Buffy & Toeby's Mom
[Posted in FML issue 2712]