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Thu, 10 Jun 1999 21:31:10 -0700
crowclan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
As some of you may remember, I posted a few days ago about my two new
ferrets Taz and Snoopy.  As you may recall Snoopy is adjusting very well to
her new surroundings, Taz on the other hand was slipping very fast.  He was
not eating or drinking anything.  I had gotten Bob C's chicken Gravy a few
days before.  I quickly made a batch of gravy, had to force feed him for a
few days, than slowly but surely, he started to perk up.  Tonight I went to
get Taz to feed him his gravy, he met me at the cage door.  After his gravy
he usually goes to a pile of laundry and goes to sleep.  Not tonight, he
was running around with the other four.  He was even eating kibble on his
own.  Its a nasty cat food but at least its a start.  Thanks to all of you
who wrote me directly, your advice and concern made me feel better.
BTW they both went to the vet yesterday for a check up and snoopy got her
shots but not Taz he is scheduled for next month.  That gives him some
time to get some weight on and start feeling better.
June and the fabulous furry five
[Posted in FML issue 2706]