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Wed, 9 Jun 1999 13:08:17 -0400
Judy Cooke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hello all!  I am new here and want to say I really enjoy the FML, but
really wish some of you guys would stick to the important issues and the
whole reason-I assume-of the list which I believe is ferrets.  As much as I
enjoy the FML, I am already tired of the bickering!!  But the good thing
is that I can use my freedom of choice and just skip over the garbage!!
All that aside, I do have a couple of questions.
First: my vet is a wonderful, wonderful man who admittedly knows little
about ferrets.  He is a Large Animal vet-cows, horses and the like.  His
dog and cat business has boomed because most farms that he visits has these
animals.  Other than maybe giving a few vacinations a year, his knowledge
is limited.  He does, however have very good connections with our local
University so he believes he has access to good information.  I am not
convinced of that, however, since ferrets only became legal in our area a
couple of years ago.  I don't believe they have had the time to develop a
good ferret program-I could be mistaken.  My question is: where can I find
a good knowledgable Vet who would be willing to correspond with my vet
should the need arise?  I really do not want to change Vets.
My second question is related as I fell in love and bought my two boys from
a Pet store so yes, they are Marshall Farm ferrets.  I believe I am correct
in my understanding that I can expect to have medical problems in the
future, and yes, I have started a savings account to cover those cost when
they arise.  My boys are about 6 months old and the albino weights in at
about 3 pounds!  He is big(and dumb and clumsy, and just the most gentle
lovingest giant I have ever seen!) compared to the other one.  He is a
little sable, barely weighting a pound.  He is very active, eats good,
has normal poopies, good fur(is sly and crafty and into everything he can
possibly be into!)but he is still so small compared to the albino.  Is this
an indication that he may be the one to have the medical problems?  Or
does size not have anything to do with it?  Is there anything I can do to
prevent these problems from occurring.  I know diet is extremely important,
but is there anything else?  I adore these guys and want them to have
long(very long)healthy lives!  Any help or info would be so appreciated!
Feel free to e-mail me personally.
Sorry this is so long and thank you for your time!
Della and the tumbleweeds
Einstein(Smarter than your average fert!)
Tyson("Ear?  What ear?   I DID NOT BITE IT!!)
[Posted in FML issue 2706]