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Tue, 8 Jun 1999 09:54:09 -0400
text/plain (29 lines)
>What I was doing was asking if this really worked.  I myself would be very
>careful not to generate negative PR for ferret people by including stuff
>like this in a ferret event.
Well, first off .. she's doing tarot on *ferrets*, not *people*, from my
understanding.  It's meant to be a fun, light-hearted event, not to be
taken super seriously.
Does it really matter if the predictions are accurate?  I would imagine the
predictions will be along the lines of "There will be a pot of raisins in
your future", and "You will miss the litter pan and meet with disapproval
and displeasure".  In my household, those would more than likely be quite
accurate predictions. ;->
>But what if they're so "uncomfortable" with the whole idea, because they
>know the origins of Tarot readings, that they don't want to be associated
>with the whole event at all?  Clearly most of you don't think this is a
>risk in the USA, which is what I wanted to know.  (But I am surprised.)
Then by all means, if someone feels so uncomfortable with a "Ferret Tarot
Reading" that they feel the need to boycott the whole event .. then *let*
them boycott the event.  You can't please everybody.  I can't imagine many
people getting that uptight about a light-hearted fundraiser that they'd
deprive themselves of the fun of a gathering for that reason alone,
though ... If they do ..  well, it's their loss ...
- Ela
[Posted in FML issue 2705]