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Sun, 6 Jun 1999 10:20:15 -0700
Emma Stretton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
Hi!  I am a new ferret convert, and by ferret convert I mean I have gone
from thinking that ferrets were nasty horrible little things to thinking
that they are the most fun, rewarding and likeable critters you could wish
to meet!  Now, before I get flamed for saying the "nasty horrible little
things" bit, please let me explain.  I moved to the US in July '98 owing to
the fact that I met a wonderful guy - Andy - who just happened to not live
in the same country as I did, the UK.
Whilst we were both in a petstore in December of last year getting dog food
for <now our!> dog Bailey, he pointed out to me a pen containing several
ferrets.  He was very enthusiastic about them, saying how much fun they
were and how he'd like to own one "again." This was news to me; apparently
he used to have ferrets when he was younger, but when the last one of them
passed on, didn't get anymore.  I never had any idea that he'd kept ferrets
in the past, and to be quite honest with you, I was more than a little
concerned about this newly discovered revelation!
You see, certainly when I was younger and living in the UK (I'm 28 now,)
the only images I'd ever received about ferrets was that they were used for
hunting, and that certain ferret fanciers from the North of the England
would on acassion put on or more of the furry beasties down their
trousers...apparently left over from the old poaching days and now done for
"fun." I had never paid any attention at all to ferrets, and was completely
unaware that they were kept as pets until I came over here.  My only
conceptions of them were that they bit, and that they were "working"
I wasn't COMPLETELY against the idea of owning a ferret, please understand
that at that time I just thought the idea more than a little strange based
on my previous lack of experience with them.  The ferrets in this petstore
were all nippy, so that didn't really sway me towards the idea of owning
one at that time.
Then in March of this year one of our neighbours announced that she had
just breought a ferret.  I was curious, so I went over to see her and
her new acquisition Michaela the ferret.  Michaela was <or rather IS>
beautiful - very sweet and playful - I was smitten.
It was then that I thought that maybe owning a ferret wouldn't be such a
bad idea after all, but I still wasn't convinced - how did you look after
them?  WHat equipment did you need?  How much time did you need to invest
in the daily care of such an animal?  I decided to investigate, and in
doing so came across the FML, various ferret message boards, and other
sources of information on the Internet.  I read several ferret care books
cover to cover, and also digested the FAQ at Ferret Central.  The more I
read, the more I thought that I could be a good ferret mom, so decided to
take the plunge.
Michaela's "mom" >:o) told me that there were still some ferrets available
from Michaela's litter, so I asked her to select one for me - she had
worked in an animal shelter for the past several years, and also worked at
the petstore that Michaela came from <a branch of Petco here in Columbus OH
- the "nippy" ferrets I'd seen earlier had been in Petland> part time - so
I trusted her judgement in this.  She played with all the ferrets in the
store daily, they were all used to being handled and were playful and happy
thanks I firmly believe to her involvement with them.  So, having thought
about it for several weeks, going out and buying all the equipment I needed
and being more prepared than a military operation, Lester was on the way to
coming to live with us.
If someone had told me a few months ago that I was going to own a ferret, I
would have laughed at them.  But now, I can't believe that I ever thought
they were unsuitable as a pet.  Lester is great - he's out of his cage when
ever we are there and has the run of the living room.  He uses his litter
pan with most 98% success, except for when he's having just a little bit
too much fun to remember where his bathrooms are!
Since getting Lester, I met a couple of very nice local breeders - Bunny
and Pam - who gave me advice and didn't mind when I stayed at their house
for over 3 hours with Lester asking them questions and getting some good
first timer's information.  They introduced me to the term "Ferret Math,"
and now I know what they mean as I see Doug running around after Lester
playing and dooking!
I went to the GLFA FerretQuest '99 yesterday, where I also met Scarlett who
is one of the co-ordinators of Ferret Extravaganza '99 on August 28th here
in Columbus OH.
I really am very pleased to have become a ferret mom - that term still
makes me chuckle - I get teased a lot when I'm out and about with Lester
and Doug armed with their "diaper bag" of treats, water and litter pan.
Oh my - I can see that this is just the top of a slippery slope...I CAN
resist Ferret Math - I WILL resist Ferret Math...
Thanks for reading!
Emma, Lester and Doug.
[Posted in FML issue 2703]