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Wed, 2 Jun 1999 11:14:42 -0400
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Oh my ,another busy day at the shelter of Ferret Wise and our star
performer is Casper.  Now Casper can never get enough out time-- he strums
and drums and chews and pulls I am fearful he will injure his canines-- so
Casper gets out!
Well, he *is* another special kid!
Casper came to Ferret Wise in Aug. 98,  he was a slight boy fully grown ,
a silver coat, weighing in at a mere 16.5 ounces-- he was on the doors of
death-- starvation indeed.  I suspected more, but a vet check said just
feed him-- anyway 3 months later and 2 vets later Casper had $1,000 in
treatments and surgery -- a blockage had contributed to his condition --
a nasty mass of hair.
That done, another aspect of Casper was his motility problem- Casper didn't
have formed stools-- whether it was infection, or the just forgot how to
work, Casper was horrific to clean up after..  unfortunately for us, though
on medications, the things Casper craved were-- Petromalt and Cheweasel.
As you can imagine we TRIED to keep them away.  He really didn't need them.
Uh huh!  Casper prevailed and found a way to find his prized appetizers no
matter what.  Casper really pulled a fast one over when he uncovered a zip
lock bag with approximately 16 Cheweasel's in them -- by now four months
after surgery -- he was looking perfect in the litter box department!  He
was waiting for a home-- *OH Please Casper needs a home*!  Anyway ,Casper,
unbeknownst to shelter Mum & Dad steals this bag and hides it in the back
of a closet.  Now since Cheweasel's are a special treat not an everyday
event, neither missed the missing bag.  But we would find the house
resident sheltie from time to time with a sticky bib-- yes she loves
Cheweasel's too!  sigh......
Then it happened!  Shelter Dad had to look in the closet for one or other
of those shelter dad things--... lo and behold!  It was a partial bag or
partially devoured Cheweasel's and Casper just happened to be looking on!
That's how he got his name, "Casper Cheweasel of Ferret Wise"... and we
are going to bless his picture on those lovely folks at Hyper-Fur for the
entertainment and challenge they have given all of us here at Ferret Wise!!
Please stop by the shelter page at:
also, when you sign up as a member of iGive, Ferret Wise will receive an
extra $2.00.
So please consider visiting
It only takes a few minutes, and it's completely private, and the shelter
kids will thank you!
[Posted in FML issue 2698]