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Tue, 25 May 1999 02:54:32 PDT
"Reet ..." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
I have harnesses and leashes for my ferts, and try to take them for walks.
Eeeek.  What am I doing wrong, or do I just have wussy ferts?
I've tried everything I can think of..  carrying them up the street a few
metres and back again, taking their treats with them, talking to them, I've
even crawled along the street next to them (I got some weird looks there).
I've got one who will walk a few metres up the street, takes no notice of
cars, but after a minute or two will turn around and hightail it back up
the street, into the yard and through the front door.  The other one won't
even go out the front door.  If I carry him out, as soon as he gets on the
ground he sprints back inside, hissing and even squealing if I don't run
fast enough after him.  Neither of them takes the slightest notice of me,
or treats that I give them.
It can't be too interesting being in the house all the time, I thought
they'd like to get out in the fresh air and have a walk around and check
everything out..  I've heard everyone elses stories about how well it
worked for them..  Erk, what am I doing wrong?
Also, does Modern Ferret ship out of America?  Say, to New Zealand?  How
much would it cost?
--m-\/-m- -
- Reet
[Posted in FML issue 2690]