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Sat, 22 May 1999 07:35:40 EDT
Karen Rochette <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (82 lines)
Hi Everyone.
I know we've been quiet for awhile,but we've been doing our Spring
cleaning!!  during the interim,w've Discovered that Spring Cleaning and
the Fuzzies Don't Mix!!
Here's our little tale.
We were cleaning Their room out,and they looked so,oo lost and forlorn,
and the Little Terrors were tearing -up their cages literally that we felt
sorry for them!
We let Everyone out,well;you can guess what happened next!  3 dove for the
cleaning rags,2 Started climbing the table to get to the bucket of water
and cleaining solution!3 latched onto Mom's feet and wouldn't let go!  And
the last two got the door open and were wondering down the hall!  We spent
2.5 hrs,chasing fuzzies around the room,and trying to get them to let the
rags go,Stop trying to climb,or dive into the cleaning bucket,Stay out of
the cages long enough for us to clean,Stop jumping at our hands.  It seems
Spring Cleaning and All that Entails is just a Temptation too Good,to let
But it was the first time in my memory I've had so,ooo much fun and
laughter doing the Heavy spring cleaning!  That's when we wash walls,rugs,
floors,windows,in/out, switch out the storm windows and drop down the
screans.  We Even wash the ceiling,that was hilarious with fuzzies grabbing
at the supplies,running off to their newly cleaned out hidey wholes,and
have them pluck the rags off of mom's mop head!  With 10 Determined to play
and Help us it was an Adventure!  The Best time was when Smokey tried to
grasb mom's stocking,missed and caught the mop handle instead,it was just
enough for him to knock it off balance.  It rocked,mom yelped,he ducked,and
when the all came tumbling down,and grabbed her rag like it was Greatest
gift since toilet paper and peanut butter treats.  The look opn his face
said it all;
I got it,I got it,and now,it's mine!
catch me if you can!
Then we can't forget when Princess Neesa,Chips,and the petite Lady Gretta
decided to grab the sponges that we thought were left high enough that the
Kids couldn't reach!
We were wrong!
They moved 2 boxes,climbes a cage,leaped across,grabbed a towel,knocked it
over;enough to climb it,then jumped over.  Neesa of course was the one
got to the sponges,she knocked them down to the others,who latched onto
them,and started to drag them across the floor!  I grabbed one,mom the
other,then proceeded tp play a game of tug of war!  We burst out laughing
the Kids started I swear chuckling,they kepts thos sweet little twittling
noices they do,the kits took turns jumping at us,and people,ferrets,sponges
all ended up on the floor in a tumble of bodies!  We just couldn't Stop
laughing!  It was a Most memorable day!
For those wondering;
a Special greeting goes out to our Guardian Angel;she knows who she is:
Because of your kind thoughts,and that Special recipe you passed along All
of the Ma. Wrecking Crew has Filled out at last!:
As some of you may remember our gang caught ECE during the winter months
and we struggled with treating all 10 ferrets for it!  With your Help,and
the Grace of God,but also a Special thanks to Pam Greene and her Ferret
Central,and SDr. Bruce Williams,and Most Especially to a Very Special lady
and friend We Passed through the Darkest Times,without Losing a single
Fuzzy!  All 10 survived to play and Borrow more toys,and more of our stuff
when we werten't looking.
And now that Very Special Friend has Assisted us once more,she passed along
a recipe that has finally Put the weight back on our gang!  It's been a
long haul,but finally 8 of the 10 haVE REGAINED the weight they lost to
their bought with ECE.  Thweir Not fat,but they no longer look half
starved!  We've got 2 left we're Still working with,but we're finally
Confident they too,will eventually regain what they lost while they were
so,ooo terribly ill!
Thank you again!
P.S.  Guardian Angel,when you IM me,please stay on for awhile,though I've
upgraded,my system is still slow,it's only a 486,so it takes it awhile to
send your message through.  Send it,then wait awhile,I'm Not certain how
long,byt the time I received it,you'd already departed.
So long from the Ma. Wrecking Crew and their humons Mom,and Mom Karen.
[Posted in FML issue 2687]