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Wed, 19 May 1999 16:30:40 EDT
"Tracy A. Hendrix" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Eden wrote that her vet had tried cyproheptadine as an appetite stimulant
for Lemke.  My two ferrets had ECE about one year ago, and Rascal did not
recover as quickly as Rocky.  After about three weeks Rocky was starting to
eat on his own and was regaining some of the weight, while Rascal was still
having a very rough time.  After about six weeks from the onset of the ECE,
my vet prescribed cyproheptadine as an appetite stimulant for Rascal.  He
explained that it was used for cats, and that he had not tried it on
ferrets.  The effects were immediate.  Rascal began eating more, and more
often.  The cyproheptadine, along with Pepcid twice a day, brought him
back.  He regained all of his weight within the following three weeks.
Thus far I haven't had any problems that can be attributed to the
cyproheptadine.  Rascal still has occasional bouts of intestinal upset that
responds well to the Pepcid.  I think his high-strung nature along with the
history of ECE explain his ongoing symptoms.
Good luck Lem!
[Posted in FML issue 2684]