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Sun, 16 May 1999 17:36:03 PDT
KIMBERLY RICHARDS <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
My fiance and I will be moving into a new home in January.  We will finally
have a backyard for our fuzzbutts to dig in, but I need some help.  Does
anyone have any ideas on an enclosure that the ferrets can hang out in
outdoors and dig and play in that would also be private?  See, we can't
afford a privacy fence to surround our yard (plus I wouldn't think it safe
to let them run loose in such a large area anyway even with a fence) and
the deed restrictions allow only two pets, so we don't really want to
advertise to our neighbors that we have so many pets (7 ferrets).  I would
like some kind of private enclosure big enough to fit a couple humans and
several ferrets.  I'd like for them to be able to dig and play freely with
no worries of escape.  Does anyone have any ideas as to what we could build
or buy that would fit this description and look somewhat tasteful and
inconspicuos.  I was hoping people would just think it were a dog run or
play fort for kids or something.  Please help!  I want to make my babies'
dreams come true!
Thanks! Kimberly & Allen and the Heavenly Seven (Not!)
[Posted in FML issue 2680]