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Sun, 16 May 1999 10:51:11 -0400
TONI CALLISON <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I wanted to thank everyone for writing in regard to Pepe.  He went in
for exploratory surgery on Thursday.  Boy was that scary waiting around.
Anyway, just as all of you predicted it was adrenal disease.  Dr. Leis
took out the left adrenal gland.  He stayed the night Thursday and I got
to bring him home Friday night.  He seems to be recovering quickly.  He is
eating, drinking, and getting lots of love from his mom.  Unfornately, the
vet noticed a large mast during surgery.  She took a biopsy and sent it to
Michigan State.  She does not suspect that it is cancerous, unless she it
is a rare form of cancer that she has not seen.  I will keep you updated.
I have a few questions: How long does it take before a ferret is recovered
enough to play again?  Also, does anyone know of any pet insurance for
ferrets?  I have found several companies that cover cats and dogs, but not
ferrets.  If anyone has any information of where I could get pet insurance
for my fuzzies I would appreciate it.  You can email me at
[log in to unmask]  I believe that it would be well worth putting
insurance on all of my ferrets after paying for the cost of one surgery.
Once again, I thank all of you that responded to Pepe's symptoms that I
reported and told me to get him right in to the vet.  I appreciate it.
[Posted in FML issue 2680]