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Mon, 10 May 1999 08:46:27 -0400
Robin Davis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
I have a huge rescue cat that was never around ferrets that I know of.  I
got my first fuzzie in April of last year.  Simon didn't really pay any
attention to him.  Then in december I adopted 3 females.  Shortly after I
got the girls simon got very sick.  The vet diagnosed a kidney disease, and
said there wasn't anything he could do but keep him comfy until time to put
him down.  About two weeks went by, and then simon the cat took a very bad
turn for the worse.  I called the vet to come and ease his pain.  While
waiting for the vet to arrive I was just holding simon and telling him how
much I loved and would miss him.  All four ferrets kept climbing all over
me.  I laid simon on my bed (his fav place to sleep in the house) to go
answer the door.  When we walked into my bedroom the ferrets turned and
bared their teeth if we tried to get near simon.  Simon was purring, and he
hadn't done that in weeks.  We decided to wait for a few thinking they were
telling him good bye.  In about an hours time they were all rolling all
over him.  I tried to move them away but simon cried, so I let them keep
it up.
To make a very long story short.  Simon is doing great!  The vet is amazed
at how well he is doing.  Simon has put on weight, and weighs about 20
pounds.  He isn't fat just a big cat (ferret).  He plays with the fuzzies,
and hates it when I cage them if I have to leave.  I accidently closed the
cage with him in it the other day, and he climbed up and laid in a hammock.
He now has the cleanest ears of any cat I have ever seen thanks to the
fuzzbutts.  Simon hasn't shown any intrest in the fuzzies I just adopted
yesterday.  He goes to the other ferrets cage and lays down and rolls.  I
think he will come around to the newbies.  Or maybe he is worried we think
his ears aren't clean enough, so we got more ear cleaners for him.  Who
So in my opinion it all depends on the cat if they get along with fuzzies.
My thoughts are with those sick or gone to the bridge.  Hugs and kisses to
all the fuzzies.
Robin-the hooman slave&treat dispenser
Fred-Wow now i have 6 women Woooo Hooooo
Slinky-finally some help with the dirty cat ears
Cocoa-Mom can i have a treat
Angel-toes I need more toes to bite
Sonia, Sasha, and Sabrina- Geez that is a huge ferret. I bet it has very
dirty ears.  Let's get it!
[Posted in FML issue 2674]