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Mon, 10 May 1999 23:39:40 EDT
Ruby Supe <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (17 lines)
I have a sick three year old boy.  He got sick suddenly.  He was fine last
night and this morning he was not doing well.  He had no appetite and was
extremely pale and dehydrated.  He had tarry looking stool.  I took him to
the vet that I work with and she did a urinanalysis and we found traces of
blood in his urine.  His glucose test was high [255] We gave him fluids and
she drew blood for a lab test to be sent out.  His hematacrit (sp?) was
low.  We did a blood test a month ago and it was at 58 and today it was at
15.  She thought it was best that we give him a transfusion until we could
get the blood work back to find out what is going on.  He is very weak.  He
wont eat and is having trouble getting around.  I would like to know if
anyone has had any similar experiences to this.  Any comments or
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  We are feeding him duck soup and
keeping him warm.
[Posted in FML issue 2674]