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Sat, 8 May 1999 11:36:02 -0400
Jennifer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Hi All!
I know that this subject of litter training has been beaten to death, but I
am at the end of my rope!  I have 5 fuzzies that refuse to use boxes when
they are out.  We have to have a rotated schedule because our 4 boys hate
our girl....(that's a whole other post:-))....Any way, I found that putting
comforters on the floor works well....At least in the bedroom where no one
can see, but throughout the rest of the house is a night mare!
We have a baby due in the middle of June, and though I know that this won't
be a problem then, it will be when the baby starts creeping.  Does anyone
have any helpful hints that have worked?  When we use litter boxes they
just roll in it and throw the pellets everywhere, if they do poop in them
there seems to be a "one poop" rule, after that they go beside the box and
there are just too many boxes to monitor for that one poop.  Please help
guys, I am desperate!
Jen and the Bubble-Gum Bum Gang,
Oliver, Quigley, Winston, Dakota & McKee
[Posted in FML issue 2672]