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Mon, 3 May 1999 23:13:20 EDT
Sandy Repper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
I'm a little late posting on this one, but Honey, my stuffed animal thief,
was a little under the weather.  Had to be uri,since the lungs were clear.
Don't they usually get better when you visit the vet?  My Valentine had 2
mast cell tumors last summer, and before they were taken off, he got his
vaccinations.  Absolutely no reaction.  I can't understand why they would
cause a reaction.  Maybe someone else knows and could explain.
Here is something for all the Ferret Moms out there, Dads are later.
F is for the Fun you have playing with them.
E is for the Efficient use of newspapers through the house.
R is for the Rumbles you have to supervise.
R is for all those Rummaged in drawers.
E is for Every pair of socks you 'used' to have.
T is for the Tiny pawprints across the floor.
M is for the Messes you've stepped in.
O is for the Obstacle course you run every day.
M is for the Mustelids you care for.
Put them all together and they spell FERRET MOM.
Happy Mother's Day to all the ferret moms.
Sandy and 4 Ferret Children
[Posted in FML issue 2667]